Mrs. Vandana Shukla
Director & Founder

Qualification & Experience

M.Sc (Physics)
B,Ed (Specialised in Child Education)
16 Years Expeience as an Educationist
Number of Prestigious Awards as Child Educationist .

Director's Desk

Educating a child is an all-encompassing, complete process, that helps in the attainment of the full potential of a child .

At Kids Raga, it is our mission to provide positive, catalystic impulses to every child, through a self discovery method which entails complete honesty and dedication.
Our endeavour is to equip our students with useful life skills in a playful and fun method. This help them to face new environment and places with curiosity and genuine interest.
We firmly believe that the real age of personality development of a human being begins early between the ages of 2-7 years. At this early age, the brain of a child is not yet full developed ,but it is highly receptive. Like a sponge, it absorbs all available information. So what they will learn in childhood whether it’s good ,bad ,ideal or non ideal, will have a permanent effect on their personality development.
That is why early education with the right values and in the right direction is not just extremely important, but crucial towards building a child’s future.

Our USPs

– Excellence is driven by strong values.
-Success is strenghened by concrete ethics .
-Modern approach is rooted in tradition

” The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child’s own natural desire to learn. ”  Dr. Maria Montessori

Our mission Our vision
If you are with kids ..
“Try to enter in Kid’s wonder world , Don’t insist them to enter in your world “.. See the difference.. Vandana Shukla
Verbal teaching impacts 20%
Videos impacts 50%
but  involving the kids in learning process directly impacts 100% and it becomes permanent. 

When a child enters in school  he/she must  feel confident that he/she is a happiest child at the moment and he/she can  do lots of thing which he/she desires to do .

It is clearly  quoted  by   Dr. Maria Montessori.

” One test of the correctness of Educational procedure is the happiness of the child ”…….

and the responsibilities of teachers should be  quoted as one of the most important part, that’s why the selected  teacher must be loving and caring for child with special training toward their  holistic development and overall  education.
”  Teachers must respect all the reasonable forms of activity in which the child engages and try to understand them ‘

Thank you.

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